Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the conditions of the Volga region, the zone of risky agriculture, the stability of crop production directly depends on the degree of moisture supply of crops [1, 2, 12]. The article presents the results of many years of research on the study of irrigation regime on crops with differentiated irrigation. Studies of irrigation regimes of agricultural crops on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of agro-climatic conditions allowed to establish environmentally sound differentiated irrigation rates of major crops for different natural areas of the Saratov region, depending on the degree of aridity of the year. Recommended irrigation norms were 300–350 m3/ha at the beginning of vegetation and no more than 450–500 m3/ha during the period of maximum water consumption. The use of differentiated irrigation norms for the main crops will allow to control the development of erosion processes on irrigated lands and provide resource saving in irrigated agriculture.

irrigation, soil, water availability of crops, irrigation mode, optimization of water regime, irrigating norm

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