Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Information technologie forecasting the successful solution for the anthropogenic impact reducing on the components of the agricultural landscapes as well as agricultural production losses, are a fundamental resource fto transform the system of high-cost and inefficient agricultural technologies into the systems of sustainable production of high-quality safe food for the population and raw materials for industry. The analysis of the experience and information resources, hardware and software of information systems in the land reclamation sector of agriculture at the stages of production management improvement which are prior to the stage of the digitalization, have been done. The necessity quality conformity for the automated procedures of production management, increasing possibilities of technical, technological, software and means of communication of the newly created information systems improving with a high degree of intensity are proved. The possible results of digital Internet technologies’ introduction n practice of the agricultural production in reclaimed lands is carried out. The requirement for the development of the new models of economic development in the conditions of market relations during the period of the economy digitalization, working in the interests of market participants, as opposed to the development of previous periods, including fiscal goals was estimated. The prospects of using PAAs (Platform as a service) business models are revealed. The efficiency of the cloud technologies for the basic information technology software and API (Application Programming Interface) placement and application of is confirmed. The success use of prepared procedures and solutions in practical application in the assignment of control actions in specific sphere as well as the aim of the user on the basis of combinations of the applied programs which are used in the composition with the subplatform in the reclamation lands is considered.

information resources, information technology, land reclamation, agricultural production, business models, digital economy

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