Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Wastewater is a variety of waters, as well as precipitation discharged into water bodies from industrial enterprises, domestic, livestock production, as well as settlements through the drainage system, the properties of which were deteriorated as a result of human activity. In areas where livestock complexes are located, the situation is tense. It is necessary to solve the problem of processing toxic, toxic and harmful industrial, domestic, animal waste. It is necessary to develop special sites for the destruction and recycling of these wastes. There are many ways to treat wastewater, such as screening, initial sedimentation without reagents, filtration, sorption on activated carbon, ultrafiltration, ozonation, etc. Currently, it is becoming increasingly important to use the ferrite method for wastewater treatment from heavy metal ions. Basically, this method is widely used in wastewater treatment of galvanic production, engineering plants which in the process of their work have galvanic waste, i.e. galvanic sludge. The article presents the results of cascade filtration through various natural sorbents such as activated carbon of the BAU-A brand, gravel sand and zeolite of various fractions. The limiting indicator of the harmfulness of the studied pollutants before and after ferritization is calculated. Based on the research results, regression models were obtained that characterize the dependence of the concentration of impurities on the reaction time of ferrite reagents with poultry runoff.

sorbent, cascade filtration, ferrite suspension, wastewater, natural zeolite, reagents

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