Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The area of lands in Karelia that do not satisfy sanitary and hygienic standards is increasing. The major shift is observed in areas under influence of industrial enterprises which emissions influence the condition of soil cover and surrounding water bodies. The study shows results of research of natural waters and soils of agricultural lands that are under influence of a mining company in Karelia. The purpose of research is to study aerial technogenic influence on soils of reclaimed agricultural lands nearby a quarry of a mining company. Among purposes were research of element structure of snow fallout and soils. A shift in physical and chemical characteristics of soils was found during research of dust pollution of agrolandscape. As a result of research a concentration ratio of some chemical elements was estimated as well as total indicators and levels of pollution of natural waters and soils. Content of chemical elements (Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Cu, Cr) can be described by high level of concentration ratio, and these elements are the main pollutants. Recomendations were suggested to organise sanitary protection dust-catching forest belts along the source of technogenic pollution as well as carrying out of intensive dust-catching activities.

industrial pollution, mining company, dust load, peat soils, drained agricultural land, Karelia.

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