Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the Kaliningrad region there are about 70 % of all polder lands in Russia. On these lands with high potential fertility, it is advisable to intensive agriculture. The area for the average moisture year is an area with excessive moisture, which indicates the need to maintain the rate of drainage on agricultural land. Many different factors play a role in ensuring the drainage rate, one of which is pumping stations and pumping equipment installed on them. An important parameter in the use of pump-power equipment is energy consumption, since in this industry it is a considerable expense item. Improving the energy efficiency of pumping stations on polders is a pressing issue today. At the majority of polder pumping stations, domestic power pumping equipment is installed with excess power and head of 4–8 meters, and a new one is selected based on the maximum possible head in a given place. In the Kaliningrad region, the energy efficiency of polder pumping equipment has never been analyzed. In this paper, a statistical processing of the geodesic pressure of water at the polder pumping stations of the Slavsk region for 2000–2002 was carried out. On the basis of these data and data on the hydraulic characteristics of pressure pipelines, the calculated water pressures were determined for the rational selection of pumping equipment. The calculation of the economic efficiency of pumps with optimal power compared with pumps of excess capacity. The results of the study can serve as a justification for the transition to the pumping equipment with less power and pressure, which will lead to a decrease in the cost of money for electricity.

polder, energy efficiency, pumping equipment, geodesic pressure, weighted average pressure, land improvement, drainage, hydraulic calculation

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