VAC 25.00.27 Гидрология суши, водные ресурсы, гидрохимия
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
GRNTI 37.27 Гидрология суши
GRNTI 70.17 Водохозяйственное строительство. Гидротехнические и гидромелиоративные сооружения
OKSO 20.03.02 Природообустройство и водопользование
OKSO 20.04.02 Природообустройство и водопользование
BBK 302 Проектирование
TBK 6325 Гидрофизика. Гидрология
TBK 6346 Гидрология суши
BISAC TEC014000 Hydraulics
The purpose of the study is to develop a method for calculating flow schedules in the dams ‘ spillway structures, to consider the regularities of the flood flow transformation as a result of exceeding the inflow over the discharge of water into the pond. Given this process in the design of ponds, it is possible to reduce the maximum consumption and, accordingly, reduce the size of the spillway structures and their cost. The object of the study are ponds with small catchment areas, which are characterized by intra-day fluctuations in water flow due to intra-day fluctuations in air temperature and different rates of snow melting during the day. Most of the ponds in the Bryansk region are built on gullies, ravines, streams, very small rivers with small catchment areas, for which it is especially important to improve the methods of calculating the transformation of intraday flood flow and forecasting the shape of hydrographs, the search for the least time-consuming and the most acceptable methods of calculation. The proposed mathematical model allows to optimize the calculations.
pond, routing peak flow, flood hydrograph, spillway
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