VAC 06.01.2002 Мелиорация, рекультивация и охрана земель
VAC 06.02.2008 Кормопроизводство, кормление сельскохозяйственных животных и технология кормов
UDK 63 Сельское хозяйство. Лесное хозяйство. Охота. Рыбное хозяйство
GRNTI 68.31 Сельскохозяйственная мелиорация
GRNTI 68.35 Растениеводство
BBK 40 Естественнонаучные и технические основы сельского хозяйства
TBK 56 Сельское хозяйство
TBK 5607 Сельскохозяйственная мелиорация
TBK 5611 Общее растениеводство. Земледелие. Агротехника
BISAC TEC003000 Agriculture / General
In the Omsk region in the 60s of the last century, the problems of providing animals with feeds led to large-scale work to strengthen the material and technical base of the reclamation complex. Over 20 years (1970 to 1990), the area of irrigated land increased from 4 to 115 thousand ha. According to the data of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Management Omskmeliovodkhoz in the Omsk Region as of December 31, 2017, arable lands are considered irrigated – 78864 hectares, while no more than 8 thousand hectares are actually irrigated. Almost 33 thousand hectares of this area cannot be restored for various reasons, and overhaul is required on an area of more than 34 thousand hectares. The reclamation industry is being restored thanks to the targeted subprogram «Development of Land Reclamation for Agricultural Land». This requires the coordinated work of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk Region, agricultural producers and the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Management» Omskmeliovodkhoz «with scientific support for the industry. This requires the coordinated work of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk Region, agricultural producers and the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Management «Omskmeliovodkhoz» with scientific support for the industry.
land reclamation, irrigation, fodder production
1. Land reclamation and water management. Irrigation: Reference / Edited by B. B. Shumakova. M.: Kolos, 1999. 432 p.
2. Land reclamation in the Omsk Irtysh: establishment and development of the Omsk reclamation complex / under the general. ed. V.N. Rusakova. Omsk: Publishing House of FSBEI HE Omsk SAU, 2008. 196 p.
3. On land reclamation: Federal law of January 10, 1996 No. 4-FL: as of November 28, 2011 // Guarantor Expert 2013 [Electronic resource]. Garant-Service, 2013.
4. Kireicheva L.V. Development Strategy for Integrated Land Reclamation in Russia. The collection «Land Reclamation and Water Management: Problems and Solutions» materials of the international scientific-practical conference. 2016. P. 4-9.
5. Kireicheva L.V. Scientific basis for the creation and management of reclamation systems in Russia / L.V. Kireicheva, I.F. Yurchenko, V.M. Yashin. Under the scientific editorship of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kireycheva L.V. M: All-Russian Research Institute of Agrochemistry, 2017. 296 p.
6. Kirillov V.L. Feed production under irrigation in the forest-steppe zone of the Novosibirsk region / V.L. Kirillov // Siberian Bulletin of Agricultural Science. 1979. No. 6. P. 88-90.
7. Land, reclamation, harvest. Omsk: book publishing house, 1988. 104 p.
8. Shumakov B.B. Land reclamation in the XXI century / B.B. Shumakov // Land Reclamation and Water Resources. 1996. No. 3. P. 4-6.
9. Zeidelman F.R. Is soil amelioration necessary for the national economy of the country? / F.R. Seidelman // Bulletin of Agricultural Science. 1989. No. 12. P. 18-26.
10. Boyko V.S. Land reclamation techniques for increasing the productivity of irrigated lands: monograph / V.S. Boyko, A.E. Snitsar. Omsk: Publishing House OmSAU, 2002. 160 p.
11. Kolenchenko K. E. Galega orientalis Lam. On the irrigated lands of Western Siberia: monograph / K.E. Kolenchenko, V.S. Boyko, V.N. Rusakov. Omsk: Omsk: Publishing House OmSAU, 2007. 112 p.
12. Boyko V.S. Field feed production on irrigated chernozems in the forest steppe of Western Siberia. Omsk: Publishing House of I.E. Maksheeva E.A., 2019. 312 p.
13. Improving the farming system in the reclaimed lands of the Omsk region: recommendations. Federal state budgetary scientific institution «Omsk ASC». Omsk: Publishing House of I.E. Maksheeva E.A., 2018. 32 p.
14. Improved technology for the cultivation and selection of soybean varieties on irrigated and rainfed lands of the Omsk region: recommendations. Federal state budgetary scientific institution «Omsk ASC». Omsk: Publishing House of IP Maksheeva E.A., 2019. 20 p.