Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A zone of artificial moistening of soil-earth cover, called the drip moisture contour, is formed in the soil space during drip irrigation and in after-irrigation period. The moisture contour geometric and moisture parameters affect the growth, development and functioning of roots and thus on plants’ life activity and productivity. By now the number of studies of moisture contours parameters and suggestions for predicting their sizes are known. At the same time, there is no standard methodology for calculating the geometric and moisture parameters of moisture contours formed in loamy black earth. The given circumstances predetermined the need and relevance of the goal of the present study – the development of a method for determining the geometric dimensions and moisture parameters of drip irrigation moisture contours of loamy black earth. The object of the study was the soil moisture contours which are formed in the subsoil space during drip irrigation. The subject of the research is the system of experimental dependencies and the method of graphanalytic calculation and design of drip moisture contours of loamy chernozem developed on their basis. The basis of the proposed method for predicting the geometric and moisture parameters of drip contours is the experimental data on chernozem soils made for the most real range of soil and technological conditions of drip irrigation and their analytical processing. The proposed methodology has been tested on research materials of experts in the field of drip irrigation of agricultural land and allows us to predict the shape, size and humidity indicators of moisture contours formed in the soil-earth cover under drip irrigation with acceptable accuracy for practical use.

drip irrigation, drip moistening, moisture contour, contour size, soil moisture, moisture isopleths

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