Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study is to find solutions aimed at the formation of optimal conditions for the creation and functioning of reclamation parks on the territory of existing institutions for reclamation subordinated to the Ministry of agriculture of Russia, through the establishment and justification of the necessary list of functions and powers of their management companies. The comparative analysis of the concept of creation of agricultural parks and the documents regulating functioning of agro-industrial parks is carried out. In addition, the studies were conducted in the context of Federal programs and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation. The analysis of regulatory documentation and scientific developments in the field of agro-industrial sector allowed to compare and make informed decisions on the formation of functions and powers of the management companies of reclamation parks. The formed materials will allow to organize highly effective work of the management companies of recreational parks, by endowing the latter with the necessary functions and powers, without burdening them with unnecessary functions that are not within their competence. Thus formation of functions and powers providing competitive level of activity of reclamation parks needs to be carried out on the basis of functions and powers of the industrial and agroindustrial parks regulated by the current legislation. The formed substantiations will allow to accelerate decision-making processes in the field of powers and functions of managing companies of reclamation parks by legislative and Executive authorities, and thus will contribute to more rapid development of the reclamation complex of the Russian Federation, and as a consequence of the implementation of Federal programs and other legislative acts aimed at the development of agriculture and import substitution in this area.

reclamation park, functions and powers of management companies, agro-industrial complex, irrigation systems

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