Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Current situation and agricultural management on the non-black earth area of Russia arebeing gradually worsen by the negative natural factors such as a significant increase of weather based climatic abnormal risks, deterioration of agro-meliorative conditions of agricultural lands because of colonization by tree and shrubbery vegetation and secondary bog formation, hidden degradation of soil fertility. When combined with functional loss of ameliorative complex and meliorative systems amortization, regional agriculture adaptation possibilities were rapidly limited. Production shortfall due no abnormal weather conditions for particular field crops was 19…48% during last five years, level of business realization of bioclimatic potential on a field was decreased by 7…12%.The complete realization of regional agricultural adaptive potential to weather based climatic changes and limitation of greenhouse gases emissions is possible on a basis of regeneration ofalll functions and aspects of ameliorative complex management. Toward this goal the coordinated actions of federal and regional management of Agricultural Complex, Scientific and Educational institutions, project foundations and managers are needed in a relation to human resources, scientific and regulatory supply. Any incomplete treatment in these fields inherent in visual negative consequences for food security and social economic development of rural areas of non-black earth zones not only at the current historical moment, but in a future also. Fundamental influence of solving of these problems deserves to scientific supply of innovative ameliorative complex, renewal of which should be based on principals of resources and energy preservation, nature management, computerization and digitalization management. During a long term research it was established that increase of average vegetation period temperature by lоСhas increased productivity of winter wheat, barley and summer wheat in average on 0,7 tons per ha, winter wheat and oat on 0,4 tons per ha, potatoes – 8,2 tons per ha, edible roots-6,4 tons per ha, cabbage 9,8 tons per ha, dry basis of herbage of multi and one age grasses–0,5 and 0,7 tons per ha. Increase of СО2 Concentration from 0,35 to 0,45% during last twenty years contributed into grow of yield in regional agriculture which can be estimated as 0,3 tons per ha per measure; searching remedy for agroclimatical risks decreasing production became drainage and irrigation systems (decrease 3…5 times);new method of reclamation of abandoned areas with transformation of biomass of tree and shrubbery vegetation into biochar makes it possible to decrease СО2 emissions up to times and get an adverse balance of СО2;secondary reclamation of lands covered by trees and shrubbery on area of 22ha used for vegetables and area of 37ha used for forage crops could supply a farmer with work and revenue sufficient for maintenance of one child what is on the major facts of population declaim in rural areas.

land reclamation, ameliorative complex, agromeliorative conditions, drainage system, regional agriculture, weather based climatic changes; human resources, scientific and regulatory support

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